All About Baby Monitors

All About Baby Monitors

All About Baby Monitors

A baby monitor is a great way to keep you connected with your child while you`re busy in another part of your home. Various types of monitors exist, allowing you to choose a model that best fits your lifestyle. Below we have explained the different types available today and what makes each one useful and unique.

Audio Monitors: Analog and Digital

Audio monitors are inexpensive units that transmit sounds from the transmitter in your baby’s nursery to the receiver that you keep clipped onto your belt or placed nearby. Audio baby monitors come in both analog and digital models.

Analog monitors are the least expensive models but still have the reception range needed to allow you to be anywhere in your home or even on your porch or in your yard while your baby is sleeping. Some models come with multiple receivers, some with multiple transmitters and some with both. However, if you have a house full of electronics, you`ll probably have difficulty finding an analog monitor that doesn`t receive interference from cordless phones, wireless networks and cell phones.

Digital monitors cost a little more than analog models, but they offer less interference, clearer sound and a greater reception range. These monitors range from very simple units to very complex models with numerous receivers, indicator lights and various frequency settings.

Video Monitors

Video monitors combine the functionality of audio monitors with video feedback. You place a small camera unit by your baby`s crib and the camera transmits video images to the receiver. Many video monitors even come with multiple receivers. Always check the image quality, sound quality and the reception range before purchasing.

Movement Sensor Monitors

Movement sensor monitors come with a motion-sensing pad that you slip underneath your baby`s mattress. These sensors detect your baby`s slightest movements, including breathing patterns. If your baby stays completely still for a pre-set amount of time, usually about 20 seconds, an alarm sounds on the parent unit, alerting you to check on your baby. These monitors are commonly used by parents who have infants with health problems.

Choosing a Baby Monitor

Keep your needs in mind when purchasing a new baby monitor. If you have a small house or will only ever be a few rooms away, any type of monitor will probably suffice. If you live in a large or multi-story home, look for a monitor with multiple receivers and a long reception range.

Know yourself and the amount of monitoring you can handle. If you need to actually view your baby all of the time, purchase a video monitor. If you`re the kind to waste time becoming hyper-vigilant with constant video feeds, buy an audio monitor instead. Keep in mind that having a baby monitor is supposed to make your life easier and not add even more stress to your life.

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